dark subscription
assortment of our rotating black and dark series.
recurring order of three dark/black series (340g) bi-weekly or monthly that renews every three months. Be the first to try new rotating blends!
savings with subscriptions:
bi-weekly (6 shipments) $495 $405
monthly (3 shipments) $247.25 $202.25
Shipping is either FREE or a FLAT-RATE depending on which province you are shipping to.
Can I mix coffees from different subscriptions?
No. However, you may order more than one subscription at a time.
How can I cancel or make changes to my subscription?
Our subscription service renews every three months, with the minimum commitment being three months. If you wish to cancel/change your subscription all you need to do is let us know by the end of the three month period.
How frequent can I receive my coffee?
Bi-weekly (6 shipments of coffee) or monthly (3 shipments of coffee).
How many coffee bags are in each order?
Bundles of three 340g bags of coffee per subscription order.
Can I exchange my coffee?
There are no coffee exchanges throughout the duration of your subscription. However, if you fall in love with a particular blend, we will accept requests for your next coffee shipment.
assortment of our rotating black and dark series.
recurring order of three dark/black series (340g) bi-weekly or monthly that renews every three months. Be the first to try new rotating blends!
savings with subscriptions:
bi-weekly (6 shipments) $495 $405
monthly (3 shipments) $247.25 $202.25
Shipping is either FREE or a FLAT-RATE depending on which province you are shipping to.
Can I mix coffees from different subscriptions?
No. However, you may order more than one subscription at a time.
How can I cancel or make changes to my subscription?
Our subscription service renews every three months, with the minimum commitment being three months. If you wish to cancel/change your subscription all you need to do is let us know by the end of the three month period.
How frequent can I receive my coffee?
Bi-weekly (6 shipments of coffee) or monthly (3 shipments of coffee).
How many coffee bags are in each order?
Bundles of three 340g bags of coffee per subscription order.
Can I exchange my coffee?
There are no coffee exchanges throughout the duration of your subscription. However, if you fall in love with a particular blend, we will accept requests for your next coffee shipment.
assortment of our rotating black and dark series.
recurring order of three dark/black series (340g) bi-weekly or monthly that renews every three months. Be the first to try new rotating blends!
savings with subscriptions:
bi-weekly (6 shipments) $495 $405
monthly (3 shipments) $247.25 $202.25
Shipping is either FREE or a FLAT-RATE depending on which province you are shipping to.
Can I mix coffees from different subscriptions?
No. However, you may order more than one subscription at a time.
How can I cancel or make changes to my subscription?
Our subscription service renews every three months, with the minimum commitment being three months. If you wish to cancel/change your subscription all you need to do is let us know by the end of the three month period.
How frequent can I receive my coffee?
Bi-weekly (6 shipments of coffee) or monthly (3 shipments of coffee).
How many coffee bags are in each order?
Bundles of three 340g bags of coffee per subscription order.
Can I exchange my coffee?
There are no coffee exchanges throughout the duration of your subscription. However, if you fall in love with a particular blend, we will accept requests for your next coffee shipment.